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Commercial Property Manager Spokane, Washington Office Bryan Duncan is a Commercial Property Manager for Kiemle Hagood, the Inland Northwest’s largest property management and commercial real estate company. Bryan is a licensed REALTOR® in the state of Washington and joined Kiemle Hagood in 2023. He graduated…
Commercial Property Manager Spokane, Washington Office John Shasky is a Senior Property Manager for Kiemle Hagood, Spokane’s largest property management and commercial real estate company. Prior to joining the Kiemle Hagood team, John spent his career in retail management, commercial real estate and leasing, and…
Commercial Property Manager Spokane, Washington Office Chase Soehren is a Commercial Property Manager for Kiemle Hagood, the Inland Northwest’s largest property management and commercial real estate company. Chase is a licensed REALTOR in the state of Washington and joined Kiemle Hagood in 2023. Chase graduated…
Commercial Property Manager Tri Cities Office O’Shanna Walker joined the Kiemle Hagood Tri Cities office team in 2021. She is a licensed REALTOR® in the State of Washington and a 2019 graduate from Central Washington University, where she earned a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. O’Shanna’s current…
Senior Property Manager Spokane, Washington Office Dina Cole is a Senior Property Manager in the Commercial Management Division of Kiemle Hagood in the Spokane property management office. Kiemle Hagood is one of Spokane’s largest real estate companies specializing in sales, leasing, and management of commercial/investment…
Of Counsel Larry Soehren is former President & CEO of Kiemle Hagood and currently holds an “Of Counsel” position. He joined Kiemle Hagood Commercial Management Division in Spokane in 1983, became Director of Commercial Management in 1992, and a full partner of the Company in January…